Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Searching for Significance in Spider-man!

As I sat watching Spider-man: Homecoming with my kids, I truly appreciated being able to watch it on Vid-Angel. This newest iteration of everyone’s favorite web-slinger contains more foul language and suggestive themes than previous Spider-man movies, including a nonchalant reference to pornography and a (almost) F-bomb from Aunt May, of all people!

Despite these failings (which disappear thanks to Vid-Angel), Spider-man: Homecoming does tell a heartwarming story with some significant spiritual value.

The movie picks up where Captain America: Civil War ended. Peter feels special after receiving his spider-suit from Tony Stark and being chosen to help the Avengers with their internal conflict. In the wake of those prestigious events, however, Peter occupies himself with lower-profile acts of heroism. He thwarts a thief trying to steal a bicycle, bungles an attempt to stop an ATM burglary, and even gives directions to an elderly woman lost in Queens.  All the while, Peter anxiously awaits a call from Tony to join the big leagues. “I feel like I could be doing more,” Peter complains.  “I’m just curious when my next real mission is going to be.”

Surely, Peter Parker isn’t the only one to feel insignificant, as if the little things we do simply don’t matter. As a pastor for a small rural church, I can certainly relate. When I hear stories of rapidly-growing congregations or visit some mega-church, it’s easy to feel like my “small” ministry is insignificant and unsatisfying. Perhaps you feel the same way about your ministry, career or lot in life. The truth is, though—the little things really do matter. Jesus once said, “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones” (Luke 6:10 NLT). He also compares the Kingdom of Heaven to “a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade” (Mark 4:31-32 NLT).

At the end of the movie, Peter gets his wish. Tony Stark offers him a brand-new suit and a place on the Avengers’ roster. But by now Peter has discovered that the little things he does make a big difference. He tells Tony, “I’m good. I’d rather just stay on the ground for a little. Just a friendly neighborhood Spider-man. Somebody’s got to look after the little guy, right?”

Like Peter, I believe God wants each of us to “bloom where we’re planted.” Even if your life doesn’t seem grand or glamorous, what you do matters because it matters to God. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Holy Heroes Promotional Video!

If you haven't already, please check out my book, Holy Heroes: The Gospel According to DC & Marvel! Each chapter explores a different superhero from either the DC or Marvel Universe and draws spiritual lessons from their stories! It's a fun and faith-building read that I'm sure you'll enjoy.


You can find Holy Heroes at your local Lifeway Christian Bookstore or at these and other online retailers:

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